A healthy baby girl is born | Teen Ink

A healthy baby girl is born

December 4, 2023
By flynnjenkins BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
flynnjenkins BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A healthy baby girl is born

Love pours into her as her mother rocks her to sleep

Faint voices of her barbie dolls can be heard in her playroom

She towers over her newborn baby brother, beaming

Her new best friend Catherine shows her companionship, they become inseparable

The beach becomes her new happy place while on a family vacation

Her chest burns tightly before a math test

An over sized hoodie swallows her insecurities

Guilt consumes her for growing distant with Catherine

She cries in front of the mirror silently, she doesn't want her mom to hear

Grime seeps further into her skin during her walk home from her friends house the morning after, her stomach and head heavy

She hopelessly researches colleges

She watches her friends choose each other over her

A heavy stomach and head become daily symptom to life, beer is a bitter remedy

Life towers over her now

She loses herself in a corporate world 

Deafening white blinds her wedding guests

She calls the beach home again

A son brightens her life

The day has so many minutes yet not enough for sleep

Responsibilities crush her

Her son doesn't share her love of the beach, he moves away

She grows to hate her partner, whom she once yearned for

Wrinkles devour her face

There is a moment of relief

A bitter old lady dies

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about the life of a girl. I used some of this from personal experience, and some from the experiences of others.

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