Your sun | Teen Ink

Your sun

December 7, 2023
By MrAbyss PLATINUM, Cincinnati, Ohio
MrAbyss PLATINUM, Cincinnati, Ohio
41 articles 15 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Normality is a paved road, but no flowers grow on it.” -Vincent Van Gogh

When the sun doesn’t show,
we still always know it’s there.
And when your nights are too long,
My dear,
think of me as your sun.
Though I know that wouldn’t be much a change,
know that when I sleep,
I’m always still your big little star.
When you don’t sleep enough
If at all,
And I lay in bed and nightmare,
I’m always happy to wake up.
I used to not be.
I’m here for you,
and through our kisses,
I’ve learned to also be here for me.

The author's comments:

To my boyfriend, thank you for letting me be your sun. And I know it gets tough, but there’s always light.

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