The Crowd | Teen Ink

The Crowd

December 14, 2023
By Lilyyy_g_05 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
Lilyyy_g_05 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One crowd of people, One thousand different souls

Maybe it’s the guy in the hat or the one with freckles and moles

Maybe it’s the mom that looks too young for kids

Or the child in the stroller with closed eyelids

Maybe it’s the girl with the curly red hair

Maybe the old lady whose skin is so very fair

Maybe it’s you who could barely care 

Maybe it's the man standing next to you

The one who sees the things you go through

Sleepless nights, and restless days

constantly waiting to fade away

Longing for someone to notice the cloud

Someone who will see you in the crowd

The author's comments:

This is a poem based on an abstract painting of a crowd of people. I wrote this because I wanted to allow people to see that there are so many stories that can live in a crowd of people. 

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