No Winning | Teen Ink

No Winning

December 23, 2023
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I dont understand why I'm upset
I just am
Maybe it's because I'm only 13
Maybe it's because I'm tired
all the things that I have to deal with
They get into my head during the day
But I can push them away
Act like I am ok
I dont show a face
I dont shred a tear
Because I dont want you to worry and fear
I have things that are deep and dark
Cant let out of my heart
The secrets are far and far from the start
Cant let them know that part of me
I keep the key locked away
I keep my heart tucked in space
I pace and pace
My head spinning
There is no winning

The author's comments:

I normally dont post this sad of poems but I love this one so much and it really helped me feel better

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