The Art of Losing Someone | Teen Ink

The Art of Losing Someone

January 10, 2024
By Yevs1325 BRONZE, Leon, Other
Yevs1325 BRONZE, Leon, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever looked at someone you’ve known for years, and thought 

I have no idea who you are.

Do you even notice it’s happening?

Or do you feel




As you drift apart?

Each new year,

Each birthday,

You wonder more and more

If you were ever friends at all, 

The desperate loneliness of childhood 

Forcing the rawest of little hearts to trust





Long after the threads between you have begun to cut into baby soft hands.

Maybe it’s not all like that.

Maybe we were just never enough for 

each other.

Maybe I just need to learn to let go.

But maybe each time I see you

I’m ten years old again,

And you’re telling me you’ll be right back.

Telling me to close my eyes and count to ten while you hide.

Like you ever intended to wait for me to find you.


Maybe not.

Maybe somehow

We can learn 

To be friends again.

But for now,

I will give you time,

I will give myself time,

And pretend like an apology 

Isn’t all it would take

To love you again.

The author's comments:

To R.W.H., and anyone else who's ever had to grow up.

Sincerely, Yeva.

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