Breathe | Teen Ink


January 11, 2024
By Cia4900 BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
Cia4900 BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, to be loved by him

Words can’t quite describe how it feels

But here they’ll try


Your whole life has only been


Pushing you down

You’re suffocating

You can’t breathe


You can reach the surface 

But it never lasts

Soon the water rushes back over your head

You’re drowning

You become


And fighting for that breathe

That one

Deep breathe

Of fresh air

Becomes impossible

You feel yourself sinking

Deeper and deeper into the abyss


You feel a hand grab yours

You’re frighten

Your body had become so cold and numb

It forgot how to feel

The hand pulls you up

And you begin to see the light of the surface again

There it is

Shining down on you from the hole you fell into

You’re almost free


You can breathe

The oxygen fills your lungs

Your body begins to relax

Because you can breathe

You may still be a little scared

To leave the ice that you now rest on

But you can breathe

And so I breathe

And he allows me to breathe

And he helps me to breathe

We won't leave the ice yet

I'm not quite ready

But he waits for me

He's patient with me

And if I ever fall back

Into the frigid waters

He helps me out

And he

Is the reason

I am still breathing

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