Thick Night | Teen Ink

Thick Night

February 6, 2024
By MuningLiang SILVER, Beijing, Other
MuningLiang SILVER, Beijing, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Enshroud me gently in the velvet night,
As I gaze upon the hushed descent of dusk,
Sinking softly into the horizon.
Majestic scenes faded from my view.
Oh, waning light, the morrow’s timeless tussle.
Cradle me in the tender arms of night,
To dream of remote kingdoms of magic,
Adorned in finery, I wield my blade with might,
Fighting the right and wrong.
Release me into the cuddle of night’s demise,
Shattering the fetters that upon my flesh do bind,
Chaos and oblivion encircles me.
On this path, I chase the light I find.
Oh, beckoning light, within the thick night’s guise.

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