Our Dream | Teen Ink

Our Dream

February 7, 2024
By Celest24 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Celest24 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You were like a dream

Your presence made me feel as though part of a fantasy

A fantasy that would never become our reality

In reality we were far from our perfect future family

But in my dream our fantasy became our reality

Like we had dreamed

Like we had

Like we


Like I

Like I had

Like I had dreamed

But in my dream, I thought my fantasy would one day become my reality

But in reality, we were far from what I thought would be our perfect future family

Toddler twins coloring a submarine

While we dance through the kitchen as we had dreamed

That perfect future family

Will unfortunately

never become our true reality

The author's comments:

This poem is about the realization that not every dream is shared upon partners. 

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