Audition | Teen Ink


February 12, 2024
By sameeramaskey BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
sameeramaskey BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I auditioned for a play

I was ten.

Butterflies danced in my stomach.

Hesitant and weighed down with an enormous script.

Nylon carpet beneath my feet,

A solar system dangling above me.


Next to me was my mother, assuring me.

As I walked towards the auditorium

My mouth bitter and dry as a desert.

My mouth is a desert.

Antique school smell traveling through the vents.

Adults practicing dialogues and introducing themselves.

The spotlights burned bright like the sun.

I turned to my scenario partner

And recited my lines.

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to make this poem is my passion for acting and how my passion for acting started, thats how I came up with the idea to make the poem about my first audition. I hope the message people will get from this poem is that you should try new things and all big things start from something small.

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