I Am...You Are | Teen Ink

I Am...You Are

February 19, 2024
By PoetCoyote PLATINUM, State College, Pennsylvania
PoetCoyote PLATINUM, State College, Pennsylvania
27 articles 6 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The world is almost peaceful when you stop trying to understand it.”
― Elizabeth Acevedo, The Poet X

"Serenity now!"
― Frank Costanza, Seinfeld

"My coach said I ran like a girl. I told him if he ran a little faster he could, too."
― Mia Hamm

I am the wind leaping through summer leaves, 

and you are uprooting trees crashing simultaneous to thunder. 

I am lilting sunshine, 

while you are seductive clouds. 

I am the odor of a sun-soaked bouquet, 

and you are the grumpy stench of manure. 

I am the sun weaving through the tree branches, 

while you are still the shadows that forbid it. 

I am a block of cheese fresh from Trader Joes, 

while weeks later you become the mold that spoils it. 

I am the colorful pollinating tissue-paper butterflies, 

While you won’t be anything other than swarming mosquitoes. 

Why, I don’t know, but some days you, yes you

are the stories that entwine through tree bark, 

while I am the ax that brings them pummeling down. 

You are capable the symphony of birds coloring the oxygen, 

while I am the sound of a lonely gross motor alone on the highway. 

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