All the things I can’t achieve | Teen Ink

All the things I can’t achieve

February 25, 2024
By Shakespeare_asagirl BRONZE, Lahore, Other
Shakespeare_asagirl BRONZE, Lahore, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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I stopped being afraid of the darkness when I realised the phoenix in me would rise from the ashes.

an year of loneliness

a bunch of mistakes

a heart full of longing

a spirit that can break


a face in front of the screams

that threaten to reveal

all the things I keep hidden

Because it feels too real


a love that just won’t die

bubbling up to the surface

even when it’s unwanted

Should I then just try?


a place I can’t arrive to

a goal I can’t reach

I’m still going to grasp for

all the things I can’t achieve

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