Soft Melancholy | Teen Ink

Soft Melancholy

March 24, 2024
By vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sit in the dim glow of my bedroom,

I find comfort in the ritualistic act of playing “The Night We Met” on my record player,

And as the vintage machine whirs to life and the disc spins,

A haunted yet painful melody fills the room.


Eyes closed, I let the lyrics wash over me until they become the soundtrack of my own emotions.


Listening to this classic, I never thought I would be able to be both happy and sad at the same time,

And feel the ache of realizing something beautiful that has been lost,

And the desperate desire to turn back the clock and relive that night.


A tribute to a memory that, though dimmed, is forever carved into my mind.

The author's comments:

This poem is about finding solace and nostalgia in music, specifically in the song "The Night We Met." It describes the ritual of playing the song on a vintage record player in their bedroom, which brings back memories and emotions associated with a past experience. Despite the pain of the memory, there is a longing to relive that moment, highlighting the bittersweet nature of nostalgia and the enduring impact of cherished memories.

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