Plunging Down Rain | Teen Ink

Plunging Down Rain

March 24, 2024
By vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up the rain always felt like a burden,

Canceling my plans day to day,

But now I cherish it.


I love the rain.

Not mist nor hail -

But pouring down rain.

The kind that plunges hard and consistently for hours on end,

The kind that comforts and fills up the space around me,

The melody that sings in my ears, humming me to sleep.


Looking back, I don’t think I ever truly hated the rain,

I just never knew how beauty could be found

In something that falls until it hits the ground.

The author's comments:

This poem is about how my perspective on rain has changed as I have grown older. When I was younger, I saw rain as a nuisance that disrupted my day-to-day plans. However, as I've matured, I have come to cherish and appreciate the rain. This poem encapsulates my love for the sound and feeling of heavy rain, finding comfort and beauty in its consistent downpour. Reflecting on my past, I realized that I've never truly hated rain; I just didn't understand its beauty until I learned to appreciate it for what it is.

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