CNF | Teen Ink


April 4, 2024
By Anonymous

In 2020, a virus called coronavirus was born. Donald Trump was the president at that time. Instead of helping with the situation he made it worse. There were speculations that the coronavirus started in China so Trump called it the China Virus which increased Asian hate. 

When I was at home quarantine I opened my computer to YouTube and saw the news of a video of an Asian woman who was 65 years old getting attacked in the middle of the sidewalk near Hell's Kitchen. The Asian woman was trying to head to church and suddenly an African American man attacked her. In the video, it showed the Asian getting attacked and the bystanders were watching and the security guard had closed the door instead of trying to stop the attack. The video also showed an Asian male getting beaten up on a subway train and bystanders just watched. The CBS New York and comments on the videos say that the security watched everything and didn't do anything. They said, “The security guards closed the door after witnessing the attack of an elderly woman on the floor.” This tells us that the CBS and comments think that the security is not doing their job of keeping people safe even if they are not in their building. This made me scared since one day that might happen to me all of a sudden and when I look around there will be tons of bystanders just watching and not helping. 

When the government created a coronavirus vaccine, everyone started to take it if they could. Due to the vaccine, people started to go out like normal because they got vaccinated. places started to open. Everything got quiet for some time until 2022 due to quarantine people were mad. In New York Times 2022 in New York, a man was charged with attempted murder after violently punching an Asian woman more than 125 times. The security cameras show the man beating the woman and saying racial slurs about the woman while beating her up. This shows that because of the coronavirus, some American people started to hate Asians.

On NBC News hate crimes have risen by a lot during 2021. In the article, it stated “According to the data, the surge in reported anti-Asian hate crimes is significantly higher than it was in 2020, when they increased by 124 percent compared to the year before. New York City had a particularly drastic rise, from 30 to 133 anti-Asian hate crimes, a 343 percent increase. San Francisco also experienced an alarming jump, from nine to 60 crimes, a 567 percent increase. And Los Angeles had a similarly sizable hike of 173 percent.” After the pandemic was over most states that have asian and asian american, those states hate crimes have risen a lot due to the coronavirus.


From the start of the US, schools closed in March 2021 till school open September 21 tons of hate crime reports have been collected.NBCNew stated “The report also included statistics about hate incidents against Asian Americans, which include nonviolent forms of discrimination like verbal harassment and shunning, from the hate incident tracking platform Stop AAPI Hate. The initiative collected about 10,370 reports of hate incidents from March 2020 to September 2021.” This was a problem due to the fact that in 1 and a half years hate crime reports were 10,370 which is what will happen in the later years.

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