I am from | Teen Ink

I am from

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

I am from the surf and the sand.

The crash of the waves.

The whoosh in the palm trees

The salt in my hair.

I  am from the screech on the court.

The crack the ball makes on impact

People yelling at the top of their lungs

The floor burns and dive scarce

I am from the splashes of the water when you fly of the tube

The pushing and shoving to be the last one standing on the tube

The laughs of victory 

The flips and dives off the boat

I am from the loud family dinners 

Where you can barely hear the person next to you 

The clanking of plates and spoons as wwe pass the food around.

I am from the smell of the football pads and baseball cleats.

From the 5 stick smelly boys pilling into the car after a game 

From the bags from baseball and the pads from football

From the smelly jerseys from everyone in the laundry room as we put them in all at once. 

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