Life | Teen Ink


May 3, 2024
By ichavez BRONZE, Wilmington, California
ichavez BRONZE, Wilmington, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is your life to live

Live your life to the fullest

Let nobody let you down in your life

Lift back up if somebody pushes you down

Live your life how you want to live

Live your life to the fullest

Life is your life to live 

Don’t wait till tomorrow

Start now

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I realized how some people aren't as grateful to have a life to live and just do whatever in their life span. I want others to know if you want your life to get better or want a change to make the change right now. I also feel like not a lot of people talk about their difficulties in life I just wanted to reassure people that they just need to forget it and don't let people push them down. 

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