I love | Teen Ink

I love

May 16, 2024
By 91705 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
91705 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Love

I love fishing more than anything

Smelling the anchovy sent

Smelling worse than a a rotten fish

Hearing the splashes loudly

And it always being fun.

I love

I love the salty beach

Feeling the soft grainy sand softer than a cotton blanket

As Clear as mud

Hearing the tall waves come

Smelling the saltiness air

What else is greater than this.

I love

I love vacations 

Feeling the relaxation

Like when you are at a massage place

As the breeze whispers

Nothing to worry about

 What gets better than this

I love

I love my loving family

Being ever so comforted

Knowing that I am loved

Like a sharks gill in saltwater

My family greater than the amazing universe

I love

I love the snowy mountains

The view so beautiful 

Like paradise

The crazy campfire smells go through my nose

Smelling like a toasty smore going through a hose 

What spot is greater than this

The author's comments:

I made it in English class over the span of 3 classes.

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