we totally make better friends | Teen Ink

we totally make better friends

May 30, 2024
By zm28 BRONZE, San Francisco, California
zm28 BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

we totally make better friends

yeah, no, i definitely agree

friends who like,

kiss and all that,


or like stay up late talking,

in a “not a lot, just forever” way,

right? no,


i trust you.

you said that i deserve a romantic,

but like, 

you’ve obviously never been in a conversation with yourself,

have you?

well you should, its lovely.

and you're funny, and please stop laughing

at what i say,

its making this harder,

any ways,

i keep reassociating songs with you,

so, stop that!

you are becoming the face of “anything” 

and i simply cannot have that,

so, stop that!!

and ive always given you “vampire empire”

in my mind, but its growing,

i swear!

and oh my, you cant just be all caring and beautiful and sweet and thoughtful and hilarious,

it must end!!

we tried this.

and we decided, you said,

i agreed.

but like, id rehash,

yk, if you wanted to.

really you are the only one i’d

still say yes to,

and that other guy, but you and i both know 

that doesnt count. 

so, stop texting me in a “come” way.

i keep giggling and its terribly embarrassing.

well, thats all from me,

(dont actually stop doing any of the things that i requested you to stop doing in this silly little poem)

okay, love you, tehe that was a joke

(no it wasnt)

p.s. we should kiss

p.p.s. jk!

The author's comments:

I am 15 from San Francisco, California, and I should not have access to my Notes App. All songs mentioned in this poem refer to Adrienne Lenker or Big Thief. 

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