Life | Teen Ink


June 11, 2024
By SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make lemonades!

Life likes a box of chocolate

You don't know what taste you'll get

Maybe coffee, or milk

Maybe strawberry, or taffy

Whatever taste it is

You can't change it


Life likes a cup of coffee

Drinking is the process

Bitter is the effort

The candy which add into it

Is the achievement


Life is like a traffic jam

The cars are the competitors

Traffic light is a chance

Signposts are the paths

But only one is the right path


Life likes a script

Paper is the world

The pen is yourself

Words are the time

Keep writing

Finish is the death


Life is short

People past it differently

Some people past it splendidly

Some people past it normally

And some past it unpleasantly

It depends on yourself

The author's comments:

Life is...

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