Carnival Chaos | Teen Ink

Carnival Chaos

June 22, 2024
By vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
vbokaria SILVER, Scarsdale, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I crave the lively chaos of the carnival,

Where ice cream melts onto the pavement,

A sweet, nostalgic sadness for the dreams of our youth

I yearn for those Fourth of July reunions with family,

Where each firework represents a cherished memory,

Gazing at the sky with our mind in the stars,

Living and breathing the American Dream


I long for the feeling of being overwhelmed by the swimming hole, dipping my head beneath the surface to hear the rhythm of my heart, like cotton candy drifting along with the current

I crave to experience the carnival chaos one more time

The author's comments:

This poem is about longing for the joyful and chaotic experiences of the past, like the vibrant atmosphere of a carnival, family reunions on the Fourth of July, and the simple pleasure of swimming in a favorite spot. These memories are filled with nostalgia and a bittersweet longing for the carefree days of youth. The poem is about deeply misses these moments and wishes to relive them once more.

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