Falling in Love is like Growing a Plant | Teen Ink

Falling in Love is like Growing a Plant

June 27, 2024
By divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
divyaj123 GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Falling in love is like growing a plant

The plant must be nurtured, 

No matter its age.

It requires a lot of attention, and priorities shift

when you have plants.

You start to place value in taking care of them, 

Making sure they have the perfect amount of sunlight and water 

To grow as best as they can. 

Plants have a lot of potential, but without the right care

They are rendered useless

And lost.

A plant can sometimes grow taller than anticipated

Take more water than you thought they would need

And you, as the gardener, must adjust to its needs

Working hard to keep it growing.

A plant can also grow out of control, like a vine,

and seep into other areas of your house

It becomes your sole priority to control it

Rather than nurture it instead. 

When a plant grows, there is a sense of satisfaction from the gardener.

You think, “I really did that.”

“I can do it.”

And in turn, the plant grows more.


People talk for hours to plants, simply to help it grow

Allowing it to shift into aspect of your life you won't forget

A constant listening source

A friend who you have cared for all their life. 

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