Someone You're Not. | Teen Ink

Someone You're Not.

July 7, 2024
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You have spent your life trying to be like them.
You focused so hard on turning into them,
To the point where you are lost.
What happens when that day comes?
That day when you no longer want to be them.
When you want to be yourself.
You have spent your life fixated on people liking you.
Fixated on whom you were pretending to be,
And now, there is no you left.
You don't know who you are.
You don't know how to fix yourself
From the damage that you caused.
All because you wanted to be someone,
Who you are not.

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