Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

January 30, 2025
By akanshaahuja06 BRONZE, Ambala, Other
akanshaahuja06 BRONZE, Ambala, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I still picture you at the back of my mind

It feels like yesterday when you walked out of my life.

I'm trying to forget you

Trying to forget us

The memories we shared 

And the jokes we laughed 

Now feels like a big mistake 

Should I really have let you in my life?

I think it really started when I slept on your shoulder 

I really thought that you were the one

Until I said I'm done

I know you may hate me for this 

But I realized that it's not my job to fix anyone 

I realized that the person I thought you to be was just in my head

I really thought I could fix you 

Not even realizing that I was draining myself 

Maybe I should have told you this sooner 

But I didn't have the courage 

You told me" it has been so easy for you"

After knowing everything that I had gone through 

But I smiled and said nothing 

Hoping that one day you'll regret everything 

The author's comments:

Hey! I'm Akansha. I'm a poet and poetry has been my a medium to let my emotions out. Through my poems I feel I can express myself freely and this poem is about someone whom I left long ago but the idea of the person still lingers in my mind. It can be hard sometimes especially when you thought that "this is your person" even when the person was never yours. So this poem is my voice of how actually felt after all of that. 

Thank you♡

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