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January 31, 2025
By Valley BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Valley BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They say, people can be immortalised in writing,

Then, my friend, this poem is dedicated to you.

You, who is dearer to me than fame or reputation,

You, whom I shall live, kill and die for.

The unseen ideal that is a dream for artists,

Upon glancing at you; my world, suddenly, was full of colour.

Yes, of course, admiration and true friendship,

That is the only way to describe what I feel.

Your eyes which speak to me a million words,

Your smile that conveys your fondness for me.

I must say, our friendship is akin to Achilles and Patroclus,

Like Apollo and Hyacinthus, in the most tragic way.

I wonder how many stories have died in the name of friendship,

Perhaps we are doomed to simply be the artist and the muse.

I shall take my secrets, things I cannot even share with you, to the grave.

We will meet again in another life and hold hands as true friends do

In the end.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem as a confession to my best friend but I never really showed it to them. This poem will surely be relatable to someone who has been through an unrequited love.

I hope you like it.

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