antique plate | Teen Ink

antique plate

January 31, 2025
By whattheballer SILVER, Waco, Texas
whattheballer SILVER, Waco, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"True friends are never forgotten, they live within our hearts and souls...forever, and always, dancing on our stage of memories." - Shawn Mendes

the heart is like antique plates

decorated with stories and memories of those who used to own them

gifted to others just to be mistreated.

broken. their fragility constantly tested to its breaking point.


the owners never notice how truly beautiful they were until it's shattered

the ceramic like the heart


when you break like those antique plates, i hear your sweet cries

i see what you yearn for

to be taken care of like a grandmother with her antique plates

fragile as her aged bones

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