Finding Mr.Right | Teen Ink

Finding Mr.Right

September 15, 2009
By Kimmy:) BRONZE, The Valley, California
Kimmy:) BRONZE, The Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up everyday..
and you're not there
I can't feel your arms around me
I can't hear your heart
You're gone
And I'm here left alone without you to hold

The feel of your lips
The way i would laugh
You made me feel "right"
When I was with you, I felt like we were the only two around
Men like you are rare
You take care of me, the way I felt with you
Was something i never wanted to let go
I love you

When we gazed at each others eyes for the first time, we knew our lives would change

Will I ever find you?

I see couples with so much love and affection everyday and then I wonder when will that be me

You completed me and I knew this when we first gazed into each others eyes and there I saw my future, my future with you

The author's comments:
It was one of those days that i just felt lonely. I went out one day and saw so many couples together then I begin to think and wonder when I will get to feel something like that....i know I'm not the best "poet" but I try and I write what I feel

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