Cyle<3 | Teen Ink


September 17, 2009
By Pinkie12 BRONZE, Conneaut, Ohio
Pinkie12 BRONZE, Conneaut, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

'll love you
if you love me
if we live in
sweet harmony
I'll love you
if you want me
if you think
we're supposed to be
I'll love you
if you care
if you patch me
when i tear
I'll still love you
if you break me
if you turn your back
and leave
I'll still love you
if you pretend you never wanted me
if you lie
it's still the old you i'll see
I'll still love you
if you hate me
if you say i'm your
worst enemy
I'll still love you
you're my only one
I don't want anyone else
I'll still love you
I can't forget
though you put me on the shelf
I'll still love you
because not loving you
is more pain than i could bear
I'll still love you
because, honey,
to me, love is air
I'll still love you
I'll still hope
someday you'll
come back to me
I'll still love you
if you don't
though my heart
will cease to be
I'll still love you
because long ago
you said you loved me too
I'll still love you
though those words are moot
i'll never forget you
but i never meant
for it to go this far
let me vent:
you the reason we fell apart
you're so bent
on the idea of you and me
you never spent
enough time WITH me
love is rent:
you have to pay the dues
and baby
you never did that, did you?
but I still love you
though you shattered me
and i still know
we're meant to be
I still love you
and someday I'm sure
you'll find I'm the only one
you're looking for
Waiting for the day to come <3

The author's comments:
this was inspired by my boyfriend

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