sad introversion | Teen Ink

sad introversion

September 12, 2009
By shivasfire PLATINUM, Ashland, Oregon
shivasfire PLATINUM, Ashland, Oregon
20 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I will never let schooling interfere with my education." (-forgot who it's by though)
also "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix

Dark secrets of the soul, never revealed.
Temptation to destruction, destruction concealed.
Sun brings heartache, moon distress.
Won't her spirit ever rest?
Each morning is another chance,
to fix what has gone wrong.
And no, you can't go back in time,
but you've known that all along.
I see you girl, blossoming,
what woman will you become?
Should you live another day,
another year, another way,
with all my strength I'll swear to pray;
to any God in any place,
who upon you would wish their grace.
Because we see what you ignore,
we hear your thoughts and how they roar!
We also feel your pains and scars,
and strength to carry on.
So why, girl, do you not release,
and live many years with inner peace?

The author's comments:
this is a piece i wrote about 2 years ago, and it is based on my first love and close friend, a girl with a sad past and confusing future. a girl filled with passion and no direction to take it in...i hope she finds her freedom.

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