Emotions and Devotions | Teen Ink

Emotions and Devotions

September 23, 2009
By Wildfire222 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Wildfire222 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Your words wrap me in a soft blanket.

They take my soul on a joy ride. They give me a quick glimpse at what life would be like with you. When I listen to them, I hear music; like a soft melody that only I can enjoy. I hear every ounce of emotion and every sliver of thought put behind every word you say. I can tell when your trying to fake through a conversation without telling me what you really want to say; you stutter and look down. I remember because you were lying on the day I asked you who you liked. The next day, you decided to tell me the real answer. Your eyes held mine the entire time you were talking to me; as they always do when you're telling me the truth. They held them as if they were suddenley glued open and, no matter how hard I try, I couldn't look away. Then I catapulted back to the moment that I first understood that I love you, when you stared straight into my eyes and I realized how deeply I felt connected to you in that moment. That's when I realized that your smooth-as-glass voice was still gliding through my ears. I jolted back to the present just in time to hear you declaring your love for me. Suddenly, you stopped talking and simply staring into the depth of my eyes. Suddenly, we had stepped closer to each other. And nothing in the entire world would ever come between us.

And I found that the thing that is binding us so tight, is that soft blanket you created around me.

The author's comments:
First thing I'm postng on here. Hope you like it.

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on Oct. 9 2010 at 6:12 pm
MrSensitive SILVER, Fresno, California
7 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons make lemonaid

nice poem. i was born in reno so its nice to hear of some creativite there