You Might Not Stay Alive..... | Teen Ink

You Might Not Stay Alive.....

October 10, 2009
By nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
49 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mirror only tells half the story, beauty is found on the inside...
love is blind
only the shadow knows
words said in the heat of anger are never from the heart

Steals your body,
Ruins your soul,
When you take it
you have no goal,
You drink and drive,
You might not stay alive,
Brings hurting to your love ones,
Multiplies the enemies,
Steals your time,
Takes other lives away,
Why take it?
Why abuse those who care for you?
Why harm yourself?
You take it once or twice your addicted,
Its something that can't be
controlled or restricted,
You start taking' and stealing',
Start doing some dealing',
In order to get the money
for the addicting drug,
Why destroy your life?
You drink n' drive,
But you might not stay alive.....

The author's comments:
“Is it worth it to waste your time, money, life, friendship, and soul to get drunk, high? Is it worth it???” -nooxygen

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 27 2010 at 4:29 pm
nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
49 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mirror only tells half the story, beauty is found on the inside...
love is blind
only the shadow knows
words said in the heat of anger are never from the heart

thank you =]

i_am_ivy said...
on Feb. 26 2010 at 12:59 pm
This is EPIC. The message is so powerful.