Unoticed | Teen Ink


October 14, 2009
By Erika.Haase SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
Erika.Haase SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Sharing creativity is letting someone read a glimps of your life's novel; but its their mind that will allow them to make a connection.' (Me)
'If you don't understand my silence, you can't understand my words.' (unsure)
'Action is Character' (F.S.F.)

Your eyes turn to the ocean, blue, and.
You hold me up, safe and dry, a little boat
you call life.
Surrounded , and invisible.
Unhappiness, goes unnoticed
You keep your eye on me, the lighthouse to

The sailor.
And yet, the waves bringing me down you

Fail to notice.
I'm scared to loose, to have no one, and it

seems as If you don't care.
Frightened, sad, flat out miserable; the fleeing birds to safety.
Sensations of loss, confusion, the clouds

Circling above.
To admit that sensation of lost, being unwanted, a burden, just alone; the dark waves crashing into me, in my final destruction.

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