My Mother | Teen Ink

My Mother

October 23, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

I love my mother.
She is like no other.
My dear beloved mother!
She is who I cherished.
I know that she will never perish.
The love for my mother is serious.
My mother is precious.
My mother is the sweetest of all times.
She’s there to comfort me when I cry.
My mother tells me never to give up, but always try.

My mother is there for me through thick and thin.
The love for my mother will never come to an end.
My mother is the best cook.
Who got the best look!
My mother is so sweet.
How special is thee!
I love you Mom.
You’re the BOMB!

The author's comments:
i love my moms. both step and bilogical. So this poem is dedicated to both.

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