May You Walk in Sunshine | Teen Ink

May You Walk in Sunshine

October 27, 2009
By NaTivE_BeAutiE GOLD, Ann Arbor, Michigan
NaTivE_BeAutiE GOLD, Ann Arbor, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
~a woman looked at me and said, "You know, you really don't look Indian."So I smiled at her and responded: "Well you don't look stupid, but appearances can be awfully deceiving."~

Geronimo, you walk with the desire of freedom, of war, of peace in your thoughts.
Although the path you walk on is crooked with worry, today is a good day.
The great sun smiles affectionately down on your cheeks. You smile back.
Sister wind whispers a secret into your pierced ear. The raven caws, crumpling up from her perch, flying southward and landing in her nest.

How free she flies, this raven. How free she flies back to her homeland, and how content raven will be when she is to come upon her family. For they too, are free.

You walk alone Geronimo,
walking neither with nor without the company of your people. For they neither trust or resent your warlike ways.
You walk on your way, Geronimo,
singing a sad song. Will you one day be free, like the raven?

It is because you walk the warrior path, the brave man’s path, that you are so feared by your enemies.
It is because you walk the warrior path, that you are tricky, quick, and kill without shame.

Geronimo, who sings a sad and angry song.
Geronimo, who knows the ways of loss, and of war.
Geronimo, searching for a song to whisper into the heart of this day. A song of truth, like raven’s caw.
Geronimo, whispering angry words into a song like lightning, do you know one day like the raven, your people will fly free?

The author's comments:
what i guess everybody including myself feels at some point is a desire for freedom. i also wanted to honor my native heritage!
Enjoy, feedback/comments are appreciated.

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on Jun. 16 2010 at 12:19 am
WriterFanatic PLATINUM, DesMoines, Iowa
24 articles 0 photos 184 comments

Favorite Quote:
A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.
By Gandhi.

amazing! You are very talented