Loving You | Teen Ink

Loving You

November 12, 2009
By bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
bri_bo94 SILVER, Spokane, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My personal quote....

Live, Laugh, Love

Live long
Laugh loud
Love forever!!!!

Loving you leaves me lonely because you’re never here.
Loving you leaves me hungry because I can never kiss you.
Loving you leaves me unprotected because your arms are never around me.
Loving you leaves me cold because I can never feel your warmth.
Loving you leaves me awake at night because I’m always thinking of what it would be like if you were here.
Loving you leaves me broken because you’re never there to catch me when I fall in love with you.
Loving you kills me because you’re so far away.

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