the world around us | Teen Ink

the world around us

November 22, 2009
By RaNdOm PLATINUM, Davenport, Iowa
RaNdOm PLATINUM, Davenport, Iowa
28 articles 2 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
love doesn't hurt. its the pain that comes after you love.

STOP, look at the beautiful sights all around,
the flowers are blooming,
the birds are cooing waiting for you to see there wonderful colors and ways,
life is amazing, if you just stop fraying day after day after day,
the world is big, there are sights to see, come and take a ride with me in my flying-boat-of-wonder, nothing is impossible in this wonderful contraption, we can sing songs in a untimely fashion the day is ours to waste.
LOOK, at the beautiful flowers waving up and down, the birds are singing, there's no need for fleeing they just want to stop and say hi,
open your eyes to what no-one can see and let your mind go wild.

The author's comments:
i was in a curious mood when i wrote this. thanks for reading

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