Useless Like Scum | Teen Ink

Useless Like Scum

November 24, 2009
By Jake Poehls BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jake Poehls BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scum the liquid form of mold, a useless matter that builds as time elapse. In The New York Times “Two Points of View” 38 useless pieces of matter Watched as a helpless woman was murder. Her murder nor meticulous or quip, took 3 different attacks to bring her down. As this lurid act took place each one of these witnesses could have obviated the murder by call the police but all of them conjectured she would be fine. Maybe if it wasn’t at such a sporadic time the useless scum‘s would have took a different action. These scum’s of are earth live in there domicile apartments in New York and only awake and watch you get murder. It just once again shows how careless humans are to each other. Was it natural selection taking course and each witness feared for their life, or was each person just too lazy to do anything but sit there and collect more scum.

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