Labyrinth | Teen Ink


January 5, 2010
By jennabee BRONZE, Sunland, California
jennabee BRONZE, Sunland, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;When you hurt me, I evolved like a back-boned sea creature.&quot;<br /> -Maureen Seaton

Watching you fragment, pixelate
Into a million fractals, and then
Slowly morph back into your original mold,
Like the imprint of your body on my bed,
I suppose you did leave something behind:
Deep-seated depressions on atoms and corks or
Whatever those things are called.
I'm not a scientist but
I observe your mystery every single day.
Like when your hair curls into half-moon labyrinths,
It reminds me of the way Earth must have looked
Billions of years ago, shrouded in black,
With some invisible breath rippling its oceans.
You're not some seismic event but
I held your hand and my own oceans
Teemed with living creatures. It was enough
To make my own straight hair raise itself and
Twirl like octopus tentacles in the steep depths
Of whatever that feeling was.
I guess one day I'll ask
These depressed mattress springs to
Share their own small deaths with me
And serve me your mystery
In the salt water I'm drinking
From this cheap electric teapot.

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This article has 1 comment.

AuntieLucy said...
on Jan. 22 2010 at 12:47 pm
I LOVE your poem. It takes my mind places it hasn't gone for a while now. The imageries and thought provoking words are delicious. So many.... "watcing you fragment, pixelate into a million fractals... slowly morph back...." "I'm not a scientist but I

observe your mystery everyday."

To realize the stirring of the "oceans" in my own body "teemed with living creatures" that come alive when my hand is held. Wow......makes me really feel alive down to my cellular level.

And in your "Los Angeles" poem where you describe the "carcinogenic hug", oh, what graphic, and accurate description of what takes place on a physical and spiritrual level.


Mahalo and Aloha,

Auntie Lucy