Why Africa? | Teen Ink

Why Africa?

January 9, 2010
By Georgia-Girl GOLD, Greenacres, Washington
Georgia-Girl GOLD, Greenacres, Washington
12 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't frown, you never know who is falling in love with your smile!

What do they know?
What does anyone really know about me?
Absolutely nothing.
They don’t know about my nightmares
That have become realities,
Or about how I can’t cry
The tears don’t come because I have been threatened
Over and over again
No pain with no tears.
Yet the pain still comes
Who can stop it?
No one.
Who is even trying to stop it?
Does the world not care
About my own personal holocaust?
How can they? they have turned a blind eye.
I have to escape
Or die
Those are the only options
And if I escape I have to run
And run away, far away
I have to reach a place where they will listen
To me and my story of the terrors
Who could believe I was a soldier?
I am only 12!
Why? Why is it so horrible?
Yeah it is only Africa so what?
My life has meaning as much as anyone else
Can’t the rebels realize that?
I want to live and be a lawyer
Is that too much to ask?

The author's comments:
This poem is not about me but an underprivileged child in Africa. I wanted to truly see through the eyes of a young kid who has seen death and has initiated death. Wow it still moves me to tears as I think about the pain behind that gun. Please don’t forget the children over seas in those horrible circumstances. They need us all.

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