Rise My Darlings! | Teen Ink

Rise My Darlings!

January 30, 2010
By CodyRidenour PLATINUM, Dundee, Oregon
CodyRidenour PLATINUM, Dundee, Oregon
27 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Editing is a writer's most hated best friend."

Rise my darlings!
The time has come!
Your hour is now!
Grab your guns!
Grab your blades!
Gather every soul you know!
Rise my darlings!
We fight for freedom!
We fight to dismantle the oppression!
We will take the power of the greedy and renew our own peoples!
We will come from the fields!
We will come from the mountains!
We will rise from every town, city, and shore!
From shining sea to shining sea, our authority will ascend!
We will win through the hearts of the oppressed!
Rise now!
Rise for the freedom of our new nation!
Rise my darlings!

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