This Elecricity | Teen Ink

This Elecricity

February 1, 2010
By Mazegirl BRONZE, Helena, Montana
Mazegirl BRONZE, Helena, Montana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Life is chaotic yet beautiful, fire and ice, love and hate.

Love is the electricity that flows through me,
making my souls' one wish to hold your hand and never leave your side.
For when together we are no longer fragile, but strong and whole.

Love is
this hope I have that refuses to fade,
setting a smile upon my face for the new day and making my body shine with life because a soul capable of something this true can never die.

Love is how even though most find me crazy,
I just shake my head with humor, for they are so serious about me going the opposite way,
but I know that I am right where I should be,
want to be and as long as you want me here also I refuse to go anywhere.

Lust is
Nothing like this,
it's a falsifying of happiness,
a smile once set upon my face out of need for pleasure, and a need to let go.
when the only thing I've ever really needed is you.

Lust is,
covering up what I never wanted to feel or see again
because of the ten million tears I shed, and the black hole that our love had once left in my heart giving inspiration for so many tear jerking poems.

Lust has,
little connection, and no friendship, sex, but not a single ounce of real care.
the two entangled in the mess feel equal because in all reality neither knows who cares less.

Love is a unexplainable force,
it pulls everyone with a heart in,
and we may try to run,
but it will always refuse to let us leave.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 6 2010 at 6:13 pm
that_one_song SILVER, Helena, Montana
9 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
M.I.A- "I don't judge my success by how high my tower is, but by how much I am able to be a part of people's lives."

"You tried to sink your soul, oh, but didn´t realize, you keep it in a different hole."
The Kooks, Sofa Song

I love it. it has emotion which can be hard to find