A NOTE | Teen Ink


February 24, 2010
By thespian13ona SILVER, Waikoloa, Hawaii
thespian13ona SILVER, Waikoloa, Hawaii
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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death is fleeting, love is forever

a note singular and clear ringing through my thoughts
how long has it been?
the note written in anger saying your leaving
is it true?
a thick film of dust on the piano
how long since its been touched?
the music so real and vibrant; almost tangable
how long has it been?
three years gone yet im frozen in that moment
is it true?
today i visited the site....

where it ended

a flash of light

taking your life

no survivors of the crash
I miss your gentle melodic notes that used to caress my being
do you miss me too?

The author's comments:
well i personally lyk the sound of pianos and when its played i just get swept away in it. so my inspiration is basically how i feel when certain melodies are played.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 29 2010 at 7:37 pm
Adrenalinejunkie52 SILVER, Sweet Home, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 29 comments

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geez louise!<br /> Hot Dang!!<br /> Wasshupp?!!? (wuh-shup)<br /> Hey You!

Very beautiful. I really got into it, and it put vivid messages into my head. Great job and keep up the great work!