Day in gray | Teen Ink

Day in gray

March 4, 2010
By ~Skie BRONZE, Jamestown, North Dakota
~Skie BRONZE, Jamestown, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Just let worrying go. It only holds you back.&quot; <br /> This was a quote from the boy I wrote about in &quot;A Shot to the Heart&quot; It hurts to think about but this is the quote I have based my life around because it&#039;s a little bit too true.

What's all this talk about blood, sex, and beer
When all people hear about everything they hear
Why not tune out a bit and just look around
Things appear so different when you can't hear a sound

Look at all the things shapes, sizes, and hues
All the different colors red green orange and blue
When everyone is rushing everything looks gray
We need to stop once in a while and say

Hey, I never noticed that before
because you were too busy rushing out the door
See all you missed the little tiny things
the grass that's an amazing green or the birds with pretty wings

I'm sorry most people go about all day
and live their whole life looking at gray...

The author's comments:
I was talking to my friend and we were talking about how all you hear about is sex, war, and alcohol. We were talking about making a song that didn't have anything to do with any of that, just to show that some things haven't changed from the time when the most important things in life aren't what you hear. This poem was inspired by that conversation.

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