The Gravestone Sits | Teen Ink

The Gravestone Sits

March 18, 2010
By BleedingRose PLATINUM, Frederic, Wisconsin
BleedingRose PLATINUM, Frederic, Wisconsin
33 articles 1 photo 378 comments

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*The darkness holds infinite possibilities.


Dry leaves crackle,
Dead bodies whisper,
Departed from their venom, bees feebly buzz
Death has its noise
And yet,
The gravestone sits

Cold flowers fall,
Bare trees shiver,
When bullets hit them, ducks cry as they plummet
Death has it dance
And yet,
The gravestone sits

The murderess stabs,
The mother bear protects,
And when creeped upon from behind, the scared man attacks
Death has its makers
And yet,
The gravestone stis

The gravestone sits
in stoney silence
in unmoving density
as a blameless marker,
The gravestone forever sits.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 1 2011 at 3:01 pm
Come-n-Gone GOLD, Unionville, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 41 comments

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Isn't it funny how it only takes a few seconds to say hi, but forever to say goodbye?

i love this. the only mistake i realized was "stis" but other than that it was great.