Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow | Teen Ink

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

March 22, 2010
By Hannah Baker BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Hannah Baker BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A picture in the scrapbook,
A sentence in the journal,
A scene in a movie that’s gone by.
The faces are there to see,
The words recorded in permanent ink,
The most memorable dialect still alive.
It’s all there at the turning of a page,
The reading of a line,
The rewind button.
But it’s only deception. It’s not really there.
The picture can’t be retaken,
The entry can’t be rewritten,
The scene can’t be redone.
It’s over. Gone. A memory.
A halfway finished chapter,
A somewhat travelled path,
The opportunity to make a worthwhile yesterday.
Today is the day to get what you want.
Make your “someday” a today.
Don’t let today slip into the unsorted darkness that many todays become.
The pen and the map are in your hands.
Write the rest of your chapter,
Hike the rest of your path
Let today be a yesterday that stands out.
Merely a dream,
A could-be.
A book you have yet to read,
A movie you have yet to watch.
Wish for it, decide what you want,
But don’t expect things to go the way you plan.
Tomorrow, maybe you will realize
That yesterday made you a little wiser
And more reluctant to trust.
Today made you a little happier and
More willing to live life.
And without the mistakes, pains, lessons, and joys of
Yesterday and today,
Tomorrow, you wouldn’t be the person you were meant to be.

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