Suicide is a Perment Solution to a Tempory Problem | Teen Ink

Suicide is a Perment Solution to a Tempory Problem

April 17, 2010
By PeacePotnLove SILVER, Thunder Bay, California
PeacePotnLove SILVER, Thunder Bay, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is the only thing that keeps me believin'

I must admit that I have often though
of leaving it all behindand letting everything go

I was lost and alone, as I usually am
So many people around me
Yet no one seems to care

They say the understand cand love me very much
But just when i trut to love, they forget and move on

I held the knife so close
as tears mixed with blood
Began to fall slowly
Like a Foolish child I cried

Knowing it could all end now
Made my mind draw a blank

I put the knife away and tried to wipe away the blood
That ran faster than I could discribe
I knew suicide wasn't the answer I was looking for

So many bad things could happen at once
They can make you forget
About the good qualites of life

Even though life is hard
And trouble an inevitable part of it

If you decide to leave it all behind
Maybe you will
But i can garantee that others
...Your mistake will haunt.

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