ribCage | Teen Ink

ribCage MAG

April 25, 2010
By brightsideofthemoon GOLD, Rochester, New York
brightsideofthemoon GOLD, Rochester, New York
11 articles 2 photos 4 comments

the day You disappeared i left out an empty plate for You.
i sat at the table, held myself close, and thought i might find You.
but the world was soft and fleshy.
i remained at the table as the 4 o'clock sun crept up and piled onto my plate, filling the porcelain spaces between the blue-china flowers.
i chewed it slowly, deliberately, and waited for You.
instantly You were there, your uneven fingernails familiar and your hollow voice smooth as you took your fair share of the sun and pulled up a chair.
the meal wasn't heavy and the conversation wasn't real, but i liked it there.

(small, unfulfilling, stuck inside with a ribCage)

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