A Person with Work | Teen Ink

A Person with Work

May 4, 2010
By Gerri BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
Gerri BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

To be a person, you've got to do some hard tasks for just being the typical person.
You've got to help people understand things, and the way of expressing life, but a way of examining life.
Being a person, is something we can't always understand, or the way you reflect on something.
Being a person, you have too guide your feelings to a passageway for redemption to extinguish the pain and suffering.
You have got a soul, or a telling of a soul, that speaks the emotions out, to find a way to get back what is gone.
Being a person is hard to find ways to get out tough times, and to find love or a way to steal someone's heart. But first, the other living being has to take an image of your heart.
Sometimes you find a place to hide where no one cares, so you could feel secure.
And the things you write when you feel no one is listening, the only path for a little tease.
So take this advice at a ease, and find a way to be your person.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by this piece as a writing exercise I did a couple years back. I fixed it up a bit, and it reminds me of my past and how hard I worked being in society.

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