All I Shall Ever Know | Teen Ink

All I Shall Ever Know

May 7, 2010
By iwanttobeforeveryoung GOLD, Forest Hills, New York
iwanttobeforeveryoung GOLD, Forest Hills, New York
11 articles 2 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When the power of lover overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix

I sit here in my bed.
Hooked up to tubes and IVs.
I watch the doctors come in and out,
fake smile always carefully in place.
I listen to their report.
Nothing has changed.
But they are hopeful.
Just like the day before,
and the day before that,
and the week before that,
and the month before that,
and the year before that.
I watch them turn and leave,
their smiles slipping.
To be replaced with the sad, calm line of one who knows how it shall end.

I know there must have been a time before this.
A time when my parents fawned over a baby me.
But I do not remember.
All I remember is this.
This is all I have ever known.
This is all I shall ever know.

The author's comments:
This is for all the kids who have spent their lives fighting for one they have never gotten to experience.

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