Come On Here... | Teen Ink

Come On Here...

April 24, 2010
By shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
27 articles 4 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it gets dark only then can you see the stars...
If a million people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

Be there for me when the world falls down and when nobody's around.

Make me see the light,
Make me wonder.
Make my life as fresh as the first rain and as firm as thunder.

Teach me how to live and never fear Death,
Teach me to love every moment and never regret.

Share all my problems and all my grief,
Always talk to me but never be brief.

Never leave me by the bridge empty hand,
Never let life get difficult for me,
I'll not be able to take a stand.

Smile at me when you catch me lie,
Make me smile whenever I cry.

Ask me not why I failed,
Ask me not why my determination died,
Ask me how far I sailed,
Ask me how much I tried.

Don't be afraid to tell me all that I lack,
Don't be the friend who keeps quiet and sits back.

Be the light, that light my heart,
Be the friend who's worth a million stars.

Take me to a world where this bond will last,
Take me somewhere, where this is no ending to this start.

Pour out your thoughts and all your dreams,
And I hope, that when I pour out mine, you listen me.

Tell me what you are down below,
Tell me who you really are,
Rather than what you show.

For you I'll pray, because I am sure that you deserve the best,
And even if we do fall apart,
You'll be the nicest person
I would have met.

Always be there with a word of advise,
Always help me out when I have to make a difficult choice.

I haven't found yet,
But I will one day,
Come to me,
I am, Where I stay.

If you can't find me,
Then be where you are.
I'll come,
I'm, that you are not that far.

I know I ask too much,
But I need you now,
I needed you then,
Come to me somehow.

But if we don't be 'all that' ,
Don't shed any tears,
Life holds it's own share of hard times,
Come On Here...

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