Where I'm From (Version 1.0) | Teen Ink

Where I'm From (Version 1.0)

May 25, 2010
By celloizmylife PLATINUM, Atlanta, Georgia
celloizmylife PLATINUM, Atlanta, Georgia
27 articles 0 photos 72 comments

Favorite Quote:
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious.....And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney

I'm from the Japanese maple in the front yard
From the whispering wind in the corn stalks
To the sunshine filtered forest with a closing
The trampoline across the mossy floor
Where someone had once sat, with a smile

I'm from the horse pastures right next door
In the hilly neighborhood where so many before
Had passed by, even if they'll never know.
I'm from meadows, the gurgling creeks
The snow night-time wonderland for one day a year
A fun evening that made the children all cheer

I'm from Grandpa Andy, who started it all
By crossing from Germany to the land of the free
I am from the land "from sea to shining sea"
The shut up Schwarzenegger-style by my brother
And a thousand other comedy acts we know by heart
A memory of someone, now apart

I'm from a good game of cards or dominoes
Dad's homemade meals or Mom's meatloaf
Granny's mac and cheese or my aunt's best root beer
A nose covered in snow, the curve of a laugh

I'm from the ashes of a long lost friend
The memory that at last reached an end

The author's comments:
One of the reasons my 8th grade teacher wanted us to re-do this assignment was because when it was done in 7th grade, we didn't follow the same format as George Ella Lyon. Our paragraphs were completely different, and we didn't discuss the same types of memories. But in a way this version is so much better because it wasn't confined to anyone's rules and formats; it was our own. It described our thought process and the memories we wanted to get across in our writing. My two versions show the key difference between oppression and freedom of writing, along with who was my favorite LA teacher.

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